Thursday, January 21, 2010

What would I do...

if I couldn't teach? Those of you who know me personally know how crazy passionate I am about what I do. I L-O-V-E my job. Even with it's crazy ups and downs, temper tantrums, potty accidents...whatever. It is SO very rewarding to have a child who couldn't read be able to pick up a Dr. Seuss book and read it to me, cover to cover. Tears seriously well up for me when my little low preforming babies can write a sentence by themselves. I am one who gets emotionally attached to my classes, but I personally think it makes me a better teacher because they KNOW I care. I don't let a day go by where they don't hear the words, "I love you" come out of my mouth. I love what I do.

With that being said, you can imagine how torn up I get when I hear about anything involving education. I try and stay as neutral as I can, politically. But education is top on my list. I get so angry and frustrated when I hear about cuts being made to education. I think of all the kids who are losing out because of the economy. Yes, it's the real world and yes it sucks. But this is THEIR future.

Today, I found out that, once again, I have to be concerned with the fact that I may get laid off. The chances are slim, but I probably will be getting pink slipped at the least. SCARY. I probably won't get to stay at my current school....I might not get to stay in first grade...and in the absolute WORST case scenario, I might not have a job next school year.

Here's what I hope for:

I hope that there are lotsa people looking to retire.
I hope that the district figures out another way for us to save money so we can keep teachers.

I think that's really all I can hope for right now, realistically.

But let's look on the bright side. Hubs and I have prepared for this; and we will be okay, financially, for a year with only one salary. So that's good, I guess. It could be worse.

But what on earth would I do if I didn't teach? I suppose my other option is to sub (but I DESPISE subbing). Or maybe I'll just have babies and stay home. Oh wait...they cost money too!!

At least it's almost Friday!! And tonight is Grey's and Hamburger night! Wahoo!!

1 comment:

  1. Come work for me! :-) just kidding. I will keep my fingers crossed for you Mel
