Monday, November 15, 2010

i'm moving!

Ok, not really...but kinda. I think I'm done using blogspot as my blogger, and I've moved to wordpress. You might be wondering why? Well, I'm finding it difficult to post pictures into my blog the way I want to here. I know it's dumb, but it's my reason. In any case, please be sure you follow me to my new blogging home!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

It's finally fall!

Maybe it's the time change, but I keep getting up at the crack of dawn on the weekends! I find this hilarious since I have to force myself out of bed during the week, but I pop right up at 6am on Saturday. Ugh!

I AM quite excited that fall has decided to grace us with it's presence. I am loving the colors right now, not to mention the fact that I can wear jeans and sweaters now. Now if I could just get my early rising toosh to get out the door for that run...

Happy Saturday!!