I've made the commitment to do several races this year, the first one being in March. I'm going to be doing the Shamrock'n Half Marathon in West Sacramento with some co-workers, and it should be a blast. But looking at the calendar, I realized I have just over 2 months to get my butt in gear! Since Cowtown in October, I haven't done much training, what with all the recovering and holidays and all. But last week I finally started and training is in full force!
I began slowly, walking 3-4 miles a day at my normal pace (about 13 min/mile). But I suddenly had the urge to run. HELLO?!? I NEVER run!! So I figured I'd give it a try. I mean, if I was tired, I was going to let myself stop. So I ran...a whole MILE without stopping. Ok, doesn't sound like a huge leap (and it was slooooow), but I think that was pretty good for a non-runner. I walked and ran 4 days last week. I also did yoga twice and a couple of Jillian Michael's workouts on On Demand (love ExcerciseTV). Those 30 day shred workouts kick your butt!! It was a great first week back into my routine.
On top of that, Hubby and I have decided we are going to try and eat healthier (along with everyone else at the start of the year!). He purchased a food scale in order to control his portion sizes. I felt bad because at first I totally laughed and made fun, but let me tell you, I L-O-V-E using it!! It helps me so much with tracking how much I'm eat each day!! We've also bee keeping track of our caloric intake on our iPhones. I'm using an application called Lose It, and he's using something called FitnessPal (?). It's going well so far!
This week I've kept up with trying to run. I'm up to 2 miles without stopping (2.5 with a couple of short stops to catch my breath). I don't think I'd be ready to say I can run my half marathon in March, but it's nice to know that I can work myself up to running maybe a 5K. Hmm...that's a goal I could try and reach by the fall!!
Anyway, I like the idea of posting progress on this blog (whether anyones reads it or not!) in order to help in holding myself accountable. At this point, ANYTHING will help to keep me on track. :)
Sweet Dreams!
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