so beamer has this little teddy bear that he is absolutely in love with. he plays with this stinky little bear all the time, and it is just the cutest thing when you catch him dragging the little bear along the floor by the ear. here is a picture of said bear.
beamer's best friend
this morning as tim and i were getting ready for work, we found the bear on our bathroom floor. we know that beamer plays with this bear like mad because we find it in odd places of the house when we come home. so...tim thought it would be funny to place the bear underneath a laundry basket to see if beamer would try to get it out while we were at work. i giggle as tim puts the bear in "jail", and beamer watches. then beamer just stares at his friend, helpless. he tries to paw at the bear through the gaps in the laundry basket, but no success. tim put bear in the dead center of the basket, and beamer's arms weren't long enough to get his friend.beamer's best friend
so around 4:30 today when tim got home from work, he called me on my cell phone cracking up. he came home to find the laundry basket clear on the other side of the bathroom floor. bear was pulled out halfway through the handle opening of the laundry basket. i asked him to take pictures for me so i could see.

This is such a cute post =)