Celebrating the fourth of July, that is!! It's been a great weekend full of friends, family, and fun. Oh, and the last "f" word...FOOD! Man, I ate A LOT of that!
Hubband and I began the weekend with a trip to the city and a lovely show...

This was the second time Hubband and I have seen this show; but the first time was MUCH better. As much as I adore the story behind Wicked, the cast the second time around was just not as good as the first. And
Teal Wicks was not playing in this show(she is AMAZINGLY talented, and from Sacramento!), which was unfortunate, but we enjoyed it nonetheless. If you've never seen the show, you MUST. Hubband loves it almost as much as I do. We surprised my friend, Karie, this night with tickets to the show and a visit from the Tsukamoto's....& she loved it! Surprises are so fun!

Friday night was, again, a night of surprises. We surprised Karie, yet again, with a sushi dinner with friends and her mommy. The boyfriend totally knows how to pull one over on her! Oh yea, and all these surprises were in honor of her birthday!! She felt quite loved, which means our mission was a success!

Don't mind the huge knife in her hands...I swear she's loveable! LOL!
I began my holiday weekend with a local 5k, the Run for Independence. All the proceeds to this race benefits the Elk Grove Food Bank, and Karie's mom helps run the event. Earlier this year I told myself that I wanted to run an entire 5k without stopping. I was supposed to do that when I did the Nike 5k, but my hip was bugging me from an earlier running injury. So I decided to
try and run this one. I didn't want to force myself to do it because I didn't want to risk getting injured again, but a
high school friend of mine met up with me and we ran it together! It made the race go by so much faster, and we talked the whole time. In the end, I ran the entire thing without walking once, and I finished my 3.1 miles in 37 minutes. Pretty good in my book!!
After the race, Hubband and I finally saw Toy Story 3 in 3-d.

I made the hubband watch the 2nd one last week so he would be ready for this one. As all the reviews stated, it was a great movie!! I totally cried at the end (yes, I'm one of THOSE people), but so worth it! You must check this movie out!
On the fourth, hubband and I slept in till almost 10 and then finally rolled outta bed. I made some yummy funfetti cupcakes and he finished putting together his famous bean dip, then we headed over the the in-laws for some pool and family time. All of hubbands cousins came over and brought their little ones, so there was a lot of fun to be had!

Zeke had a ton of fun with Hubband!

Zeke says, "I'm a tractor!! I'll pull you!"

Here's the cutie pie, Alaina, chewing her adorable fingers (before this pic, she was chewing on
MY adorable fingers!)

and we're spent! This is just how we roll.
How was your holiday weekend?? Hope you all enjoyed with family and friends as much as I did! Don't you just
LOVE summer?? :)