Hubs and I have talked at length about starting to try for a little bean, but I have my worries. We're at a very good place in our lives; we own our home, have steady jobs (for the moment), and we're comfortable financially. Ideally, we planned to start trying late this summer, but I have 2 half marathons coming up this fall (September and October). I'm afraid that if I get pregnant before the races, I won't be able to complete them. So this has made me decide to wait a little longer. Tim and I also have a cruise scheduled for before the holidays, and I figured it wouldn't be a good idea to get on a ship with morning sickness either.
I know that there's never going to be a "perfect" time to have a child, and I know it's not something I can plan. I have sooo many doubts on whether or not I am truly ready. I feel almost selfish for thinking of myself so much...but I guess I just want to make sure I'm truly ready.
To any mommies out there: when did you realize you were ready for a little bean??