Wednesday, February 17, 2010

24 more days...

Until the Shamrock Half!! I'm honestly a little worried that I won't be ready for the race. It's really been difficult to train the way that I want to with all the rain that we've been blessed with over the last few weeks. I have been trying to take advantage of all the sunny days, but that still leaves me with only 4-5 days of walking or running a week. AND I'm not able to really get my miles in since the sun is still setting pretty early. Last time, I was walking at least 6 miles once a week this far before the race. Can't say the same about this time. I'm lucky if I get 6 miles in every 2 weeks. Oh boo.

But on a positive note, I have been running more! This week, I ran 3.21 miles WITHOUT STOPPING!! Wahoo!! I'm going to try and focus more on walking from now until the race, maybe I'll give myself one running day. Since I'll be walking Shamrock, I should probably make that my focus for the next 2 weeks.

Wish me luck, friends! :)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tuesday's Teaching Moment

So everyday, I give my first graders a picture to write in their journals about. Last week, I gave them a picture of a spider web. I always make a list of questions that they must answer about the posted pictures. And here is one of the journal entries I received:
It says:
"This is a picture of a web. A spider makes a web, not me. I can find a web in my mommy's bathroom. They bounce around and POOF, there's a web."

Oh how I heart first grade minds!!

i need the off button!!

So for the last few weeks, I continue to hear icky things about budget stuff in my district and my heart sinks each time. I am almost positive now that I will be getting laid off and it TERRIFIES me. I DO have a higher chance of getting a position back, since I'm higher on the seniority list at my district. But seriously, the thought of not having a job frightens me to no end. And I can't seem to shake the sinking feeling. What's wrong with me?!?

I love what my husband said to me though. He lets me cry through all my fears and listens to me rant and rave...and he tells me,"It's not the end of the world, babe." And he is totally right.

As scary as it is to not be employed, it ISN'T the end of the world. As hard as it will be to find another job, I still have my health, my husband, and my family. It could be worse.

So for now, until I receive the dreaded pink peice of crap paper, I will say this prayer: Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change..." Hopefully this will bring me some peace until May. :::sigh:::

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

workout update!

So I've been tracking calories and working out on a regular basis for a whole month! Wahoo!! :) I'm feeling GREAT, though I'm a bit more tired now. I think that may be caused by work stuff, since I am usually getting my 7-8 hours of sleep each night. I've discovered that working out is actually enjoyable, and it's so awesome once it's made a part of my daily routine.

Tim and I have decided that Monday's are our weigh in days. I've always worked out, but this month I've really tried to stick to a schedule and log what I'm eating just to see! I've been walking or runnings about 4 days a week, and I've also been doing yoga twice a week. I've been trying to stick with my shred workouts, but lately I've been having knee issues so I've put those aside and I'll do one when I can't get outside to run (sorry, kara!).

My main goal was to firm up and tone, not necessarily lose weight...but, da dada dah!! I lost 3 pounds! I'm kinda proud of myself, mostly because all I did was work out more and eat better foods. So yay for me! :) But I'm sure I'll gain all of it back in legs are starting to get crazy with all the running...and with Shamrock just around the corner, my training is going to get more hard core. Hello, huge thighs!! LOL